Big event today! We all went to get passport photos for Jack and Galileo and the all-important DNI which is the national document of Peru. This is the document that everyone in Peru needs for everything...much like we use our driver's licenses. Mary and I had managed to install the car seats yesterday. This was the twins first outing with car seats!
After lots of discussion, we decided that we would split up. Alberto, the twins, and Thea would go in the car and Mary and I would Uber and meet them at the place and get the twins while Alberto parked the car. I laughed and laughed at all of us.
I took Jack down when Alberto arrived and worked on getting the safety belts on him. When Mary arrived she reminded me of the strap and button to loosen and tighten the seat belts in the car seat. I remember that from Katies twins when I though about it and all went well. I got both babies strapped into car seats and by the time I finished I was almost wet from perspiration! It is summer here and no one has air-conditioning. But the breeze is very cool and only when one is doing any kind of exertion does it feel so hot.

All went perfectly until we found out that the USA requires that the babies have their eyes open. And we had two babies who were in the middle of nap time as far as they were concerned. So we began to try to wake these two angels up....

Eventually we gave up and had photos done with eyes closed for the Peruvian papers.....Peru doesn't insist that eyes are open.

The continuing to sleep was fine while we waited in line to get their Peruvian papers done. But after that process was finished we all agreed that we had to go back for American passport photos immediately as our appointment is tomorrow at 7:45 at the American Embassy. So back across the street we went. And we began to try to wake babies in earnest!
Galileo then woke up on his own and had his photo taken:

And we began torturing Jack so we could go home:

When we finally got him to begin to respond, Alberto sat with Jack in the chair and the photographer began to help:

Jack even managed to cry with his eyes closed.

I don't know how this photographer did it, but Jack opened his eyes for a split second and she got the photo.....everyone was relieved and happy!

So all of that craziness for the following mug shots. They look like they could be on the wall for
America's most wanted!
Galileo's Peruvian passport photo:

Jack's Peruvian passport photo:

Galileo's USA Passport photo

Jack's USA passport photo

When we got home, Mary decided to take a few photos of the babies ....

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