A highlight of the day was the trip to the cheese shop. This is a new store in Lima that Mary and I had tried to visit for New Years's Eve, but it had been closed.....amazing store:
Need to put some of Mary's photos in here....worth seeing!
The day was spent preparing veggies for the grill and getting things organized and spiffing everything up just before everyone came. Mary and Alberto had told everyone that the party was at 8PM and made a point to explain that it would be prompt....right word? Because Alberto's parents were coming. Then it turned out that Alberto had to give a speech at the new southern Campus at 7.....so he was a bit late....but all went well.... Mary went after Alberto's mother....and I held down the fort here. The man who was grilling and helping showed up at 7 and luckily while he did not speak English he had been here enough that he could begin without much instruction.
LOTS OF FUN! A few photos:

Alberto's Mom holding Jack:

[I am editing on Saturday and working on names and Spanish words/pronunciation] Alberto's mother's name is Gilda (Sounds like Hilda) Sanchez de Bullon.

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