I have to laugh at myself. I am going to Starbucks in my PJ's just like at home. So Alberto dropped me on the way to work and I had him write down the home address just in case my phone died. I had charged the phone, but it had only a little charge.....and thank goodness I thought ahead! But the funniest part is that when I got to the counter at Starbucks, the woman behind the counter remembered me and had pulled out the right size cups for both Mary and me and written my name on them.....it honestly felt just like home.
Ok...so on our way to Starbucks, Alberto and I had talked about the taxis in Lima and the fact that many of them are not official. I asked are they safe? And he said he used them....later Mary explained that saying that many are not official is a total underestimate....she guessed that it was more like MOST are not official.....but when my phone totally died as I was trying to call Uber, I decided that official or not, I was desperate and need to find the first one home as I wanted to be there by the 9am feeding!
I wish that I had taken a photo of the "rattle-trap" that I rode home in! I had to laugh! It was absolutely NOT official. But the old man got me home safely, and was pleased when I gave him 10 sol when he asked for 8 (divide by 3 to get US dollar amount).....so the morning turned out fine! And Mary and I continued to be a great team all day long....but we were very excited to see Thea about 4PM when she came back to work. I think everyone is taking a nap now. It is very quiet.
Sunday was incredibly busy! Company all day long! A few photos:
Vicky and Jaime holding twins:

Tia Paola holding both babies at the same time:

My Spanish lesson for Sunday was Tia and Tio. Tia is aunt. Tio is Uncle. If you were talking about plural (such as Uncle and Aunt both are coming) you would say Tios. I had learned that on Sunday when Alberto said he was going after his Dads. I asked Mary later, is his mother not coming? and she explained that if both mom and dad are coming it is Dads. Then since Paolo thinks of herself as aunt, I asked how to say aunt so I could call her Tia Paolo.....I am a slow learner.....but making a little progress.
Mimi y Papa (Alberto's parents)
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