jueves, 26 de julio de 2018

Thursday, July 26

Leisurely morning......Mary is planning to work until late tonight.  So we have spent the early morning getting caught up on our computers and playing with the twins.  This week the big change in the routines of Galileo and Jack is the addition of fruits and vegetables.  The plan is to add fruits and vegetables and cut back on the formula.  Esther is quite good at the new plan.  I was never so disciplined as to stay on strict routines.  However, she follows the doctor's orders perfectly....including making all of the fruits and Vegetables into a puree from fresh to feed to the boys.

Mary was gone all day for work.  So Alberto asked if I would like to go with him to do a few errands late afternoon.  We went to some traditional markets to buy fruit and nuts and to go to the tailor and etc.  Last but not least, we stopped so that Alberto could go to the pharmacy to order some cream that they use on Galileo's skin.  We parked next to several shops that had baskets and I told him that I would stay there and look at the baskets.  I did just that, but finished before he was back.  As I was standing by the car, two Peruvian women asked:  "is that your car"....hmmmm.....no....hmmm well yes I guess yes is the better answer...and I looked up to see the tow truck backing in  to tow the car away.  Honest the truck was only a yard or two away when I stepped between the car and the tow truck and stayed there.  I did not have the keys.  My phone doesn't work in Peru....there was nothing that I could do except stand between the two vehicles making it impossible for the car to be connected.  The ladies continued to try to help me....finally I showed them Mary's phone number and the younger one used her phone to call Mary to have her call Alberto to tell him of the predicament.  I only wish that I had asked the ladies to take photos!  I have laughed and laughed!  So funny!

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