I will add photos of Alberto's family here...
On Monday, on our way to Alberto's parent's house we took a taxi to two areas close to pimentel. The first was a fishing village: Santa Rosa

Second was an area where there were carnival like rides for children and shopping market for adults: Moasefu

Later that evening we walked on the Malecon. This included a stroll to the end of the pier.

You can see that the railroad tracks are still visible on the pier. The train used to take the crops to the end of the pier where they were loaded on small boats that then unloaded to large boats for export.

The house in which we stayed while at Pimentel is the house on the right hand side of the below photo. it is the one that has the red color in front of it.

The below photo is a picture of a photograph exhibited on the pier that shows traditional fishing boats that Alberto says are still used.

As Mary had explained to me, we could only walk a few feet before we met someone with whom Alberto was friends and we would chat. We visited his Uncle who has done a Family Finder test and I will take the kit back to USA to mail for him. This is the home of Alberto's uncle:

And the next photo is the apartment in which Alberto's family lived from the time that he was seven until after Alberto had left home to move to Lima:

My phone died on this walk, so I want to get photos from Alberto that show what a wonderful place this was to grow up.

On Tuesday we visited Pepe so that I could buy one of his wonderful photographs.
Tuesday evening was the time to fly back to Lima. The beach area had been very nice.....but it was time to get back to Miraflores. We were quite the group. We sent two bags the day before with Paola. Then checked three bags and then each of the five adults carried on one carry on and one personal item. When we arrived in Lima it took two carts to get everything to the van to get home.

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